Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Alexander Craig of Rose-Craig 1604-1631
To Covetovs Covrtiers

A Greedie Mouse did by a privat way
Steale to the pantrie of a wealthie man:
Where many dishes were, and wold assay
Each dish of all: but at last began
      To teast an Oister, when her guts were filled,
      The Oister clos'd, and thus the Mouse was killed.

Thou that hast crept in credit but by stealth,
And teasts each dish, sib to the greedie Mouse:
Who builds and maks of others wrack thy wealth,
And foulles man will not oversee a a souse:
      Thogh Prince behold, and privat men must thol thee,
      Some sharp-sheld oister some-time sall controll thee.


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